Straw, wood, brick? Porridge, chairs, beds? Two trios to tantalise and tickle your senses in this double bill of furry tails, where Goldilocks may be scarier than the Big Bad Wolf!
If two’s company and three’s a crowd, then book your place now for these well loved stories, retold with puppets, original music and a perfectly petite pop up set.
Pigs and Bears Don’t Come in Pairs is a Theatre of Widdershins production.
All seating is unreserved. All performances are relaxed performances and blind and visually impaired audiences can pre-book touch tours prior to all performances. Find out more about how to find us, access and some FAQs about your visit. If the show you want to see is sold out, you can join our waiting list and we will get in touch if any tickets become available.
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