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Who We Are

The UK’s leading small-scale young people’s venue and touring company

Half Moon is a local organisation with a national remit. Working from our base in Limehouse, East London, we give young people from birth to 18 (25 for young people with disabilities) an opportunity to experience the best in young people’s theatre, both as a participant and as an audience member.

Our activity includes a season of professional plays for young and family audiences, including teenagers, national touring productions and an extensive creative learning programme, including eight youth theatres.

Half Moon’s expertise is in supporting artists and young people at every stage of their creative development, providing a gateway to engagement, offering pathways for progression and experimentation and then disseminating outcomes within the wider cultural sector, through performances, touring productions, open dialogue and continuing professional development.

Half Moon is a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England and receives regular funding from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, as well as many other supporters.

Our supporters

“I wanted to say thank you so much for everything that Half Moon have done for our learners. You have truly, tangibly made a difference to their education, their creativity and their aspirations. I hope the theatre continues to be successful in supporting the local community; I think you are doing incredible work…thank you for working with us with the attitude of ‘anything is possible’.”

Tower Hamlets College Drama Teacher

“The Half Moon is a real gem. The work we’ve seen is excellent and the atmosphere is quite wonderful.”

Audience member

“I have been here since the entry age and I don’t plan on leaving until I am too old for it!”

Youth Theatre member

There is a synergy between Half Moon’s participatory and professional theatre programmes, which have equal status and are mutually enriching. The company specialises in new writing and art-form development, involving artists who are under-represented in the sector and working collaboratively with a wide range of partners.

The company places an emphasis on engaging participants (artists and young people) who often feel excluded from arts activity, such as those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, Deaf and young people with disabilities, those who are neurodiverse or affected by mental health conditions or those excluded due to socio-economic circumstance.

The company produces through its touring wing, Half Moon Presents, many artists and companies, whose work can be seen throughout the UK.

“☆☆☆☆☆ Very affordable theatre tickets for children. Very good and affordable drama classes.”

Paola, Google review

“I think you’re a great resource for the community and we feel lucky to live close to you!”


“It is lovely to hear that you are properly inclusive; this is what East London should be all about.”

Youth Theatre parent

Stages of Half Moon

Half Moon’s digital archive, exploring the company’s history, is available at our Stages of Half Moon microsite.

Explore the archive

More from Half Moon

Half Moon is a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England and receives regular funding from Tower Hamlets (Arts and Leisure, and Education through THAMES), with further financial support from many trusts and foundations, commercial sources and individuals.