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Half Moon awarded six OnComm Commendations
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Half Moon Theatre
43 White Horse Road
London E1 0ND
If you are contacting us to add your child to the Youth Theatre waiting list, please use the online registration form.
In response to on-going government legislation, Half Moon is presently delivering our full Youth Theatre, Youth Service, youth outreach programmes online until at least mid-February. Our schools and children’s centres programme aims to recommence in-person once these settings re-open. We are continuing our artform development and filming for performance programme. We are able to do this as we have in place a rigorous and living risk assessment in response to the most up-to-date published Covid-19 safety guidelines for England and as we operate as a Visit England’s ‘Good to Go’ kitemark approved venue.
Until further notice our performance and gallery programme at Half Moon continues online – details are on our What’s On page. Later in 2021, we aim to restart our work on tour.
Going forward, for staff and users, our COVID-19 prevention measures continue and include the following:
For all activity at Half Moon we will:
At Half Moon, we aim to be as safe as possible for everyone. With your support we are confident that our many participants and stakeholders can safely enjoy coming to Half Moon. We cannot stop COVID-19 but if we work together, we can minimise the risks.
A link to a more comprehensive visitor guide / help sheet is available here. The link to our full Risk Assessment is here.
Thank you for your on-going patience. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this statement please feel free to contact:
Please sign up to our newsletter if you haven’t already to receive updates from us.
Half Moon Theatre is a charity and ticket sales are one of our sources of funding. We recognise that this is a difficult time for many of us. However, if you are able to consider making a donation, it would be hugely appreciated.
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